Thursday 7 April 2011

What do women like...

Most people who are looking for the answer to what do women like.

Also they ask what do women like in bed, during sex and above all, what do women like to talk about.
This guide will hopefully give you an idea into a womens mind.

Firstly let's start with personality types - not all women think the same thoughts and therefore like different things.

4 Personality types and what women like

I like to think of personality types as colours. Red, Blue, Yellow and Green.

Women with a blue personality type

Natural Strengths
Natural Weaknesses
  • Enthusiastic
  • Optimistic
  • Good communicator
  • Emotional and passionate
  • Motivational and inspirational
  • Outgoing
  • Personal
  • Dramatic
  • Fun-loving
  • Unrealistic
  • Not detail-oriented
  • Disorganized
  • Impulsive
  • Listen to feelings above logic
  • Reactive
  • Can be too talkative
  • Excitable
  • Avoid drudge work

What would a blue personality woman like?

Greatest needs: : Social activities and recognition, activities that are fun, and freedom from details.
What the BLUE desires: : Prestige, friendly relationships, opportunity to help and motivate others, opportunities to verbally share their ideas. **NOTE: Provide the right environment for this personality type color to build relationships and have fun along the way.